Liam To Let Lovers Enjoy Valentine’s Night.

Liam and Caroline Coyne canvassing together in Dublin South Central.
Liam and Caroline Coyne canvassing together in Dublin South Central.


Statement on Behalf of Social Democrats Dublin South Central Candidate Liam Coyne.
Feb 13th 2014
“I won’t canvass Dublin South Central on Valentine’s night – Liam Coyne.”

The Social Democrats Liam Coyne has said he wont be canvassing on Valentine’s Night.

As the occasion is celebrated by couples of all ages all over Ireland Liam has instructed his canvass team to stand down on the night of February 14th.

The Dublin 12 based local businessman will instead of knocking on doors be spending the evening with his wife Caroline.

“My campaign team have been canvassing hard since the election was called, and the response we have been getting has been really very good,” he said.

“That said we know a lot of couples will be getting ready to go out or planning a night so the last thing they want to see and hear is on February 14th is politicians calling at their door. ”

We wont be calling people away from what they had planned, he added.

“I will do a bit of canvassing earlier that day, and on Monday 15th Liam’s canvass team will be back in full swing seeking the support of the public of Dublin South Central.”Liam is the recently founded Social Democrats candidate for the four-seat constituency.

“So far I have been getting a very good response on the doorsteps. A lot of people like what we have to say,” he said.

People really respect our leadership of Stephen Donnelly, Catherine Murphy and Roisin Shorthall. What the Social Democrats have to say on housing, taxation, the cost of living as well as abolishing water charges is really striking a chord with the public.

“All things going well hopefully the Social Democrats will add to our current representation in the Dail following the Feb 26th ballot and build a party into the future,” Liam concluded.


Liam Coyne
Social Democrats
Dublin South Central