Minister’s Bin proposals could cause more problems in Dublin South Central- Liam Coyne

Press Release on Behalf of Liam Coyne SD candidate for Dublin South Central re new bin regulations brought in by Minister Alan Kelly.

“New bin rules could lead to water charges protests mark II.” “Has nothing been learned by the government?”

For immediate Release


The Social Democrats Dublin South Central Candidate Liam Coyne has strongly criticised the manner in which people living in the constituency have been treated and left without their refuse being collected over newly introduced bin regulations.

The regulations were brought in by Minister for the Environment Labour Alan Kelly.

The new rules will see the collection of individual bags banned, and wheelie bins introduced. Certain urban ares which don’t have the space for bins are supposed to be exempt from the rules.

According to Liam these exemptions are not being applied to areas where they should be. He has been informed that residents of Emerald Square in Dublin 8 had 3 wheelie bins (general, recycle and compost) delivered to their houses by Greyhound Waste Management.

Up until now they had been using waste bags as the residents don’t have the space for bins. Its a small square of about 30 or so terrace houses with decent people who pay their refuse charges.The houses are  2up/2down with no front garden and small space to the rear which has no access.

According to Liam a Greyhound employee told the residents that becasue of new legislation introduced by Minister Alan Kelly the resident s must accept these new bins or they would no longer have a bin collection service.
Liam said he has been told some refused refused to take the bins because they just don’t have the space.

When contacted Dublin City Council’s waste management services told them new legislation was coming in and suggested they contact Greyhound or seek an alternative waste management provider.

However Greyhound is the only company that serves the area.

DCC also told them not to leave any bins outside the front of our houses as it was a public pathway and could block wheelchair or visually impaired users.

The fact is the the residents don’t have space for bins.

Liam said the result of all this is that Emerald Square has no bin collection service for those have not accepted the new bins. This is despite the fact the residents each pay hundreds of euro per year for the service.

“The residents have been caught in a classic catch 22 situation between Minister Kelly’s new laws and DCC’s rules. It is yet another example of a lack of forward thinking by the government” said Liam who says something has to be done to sort out this mess “sooner rather than later. ”

He said under the new rules living in areas where landscape prevents collection of wheelie bins, or where there is a lack of storage space such as a terrace house with no garden.

These  exempt areas are to be determined by local authorities in accordance with guidelines issued by the Department. Minister Kelly and his officials should be the ones to set out in clear terms who is exempt and who is not.

“it  appears that Emerald Square residents are for whatever reason not entitled to an exemption.  Places like Emerald Square and elsewhere in Dublin and particularly Dublin South Central should be exempt.  This makes no sense to me or the residents that have been in contact with me.”

“The Minister should immediately return to Dublin and sort this out.”

“I am alarmed and disappointed, yet again, by how this government treats people in urban areas.” This situation needs to be addressed immediately otherwise we could end up with the sort of protests and resentment that we had over water charges.”

“Heavy handed tactics were used by Irish Water when installing meters rather than try and deal with people face to face. It solves nothing and creates only mayhem” Liam said.

“People living in Emerald Square, many of whom are aged in the 60’s and 70’s deserve better.”

The residents  who pay their annual and expensive bin charges are being made feel like they have done something wrong, that they are being treated as if they are terrorists.”

“This is neither fair, truthful nor acceptable,” Liam added.

or contact 0868119189

Liam Coyne
Social Democrats
Dublin South Central