February 3rd 2016Dublin South Central Candidate Liam Coyne says the elimination of homelessness and appointment of cabinet Minister in charge of housing are key policies for Social Democrats.
Liam Coyne invites you to a public meeting this Wednesday February 3rd at 7.30pm in the Eleanora Pub on Drimnagh Road Dublin 12. The meeting will be held at the function room upstairs. Liam encourages all those interested in housing to come along and contribute to the debate and help find a solution to one of the worst housing problems in Europe.
Speaking in advance of the meeting Liam said “It is very important that everyone has their say on the current housing crisis. It is clearly something that needs to be addressed immediately. Local authorities cannot cope with the demand for housing, the amount of homelessness is a disgrace. This Government just don’t seem to be able to get to grips with the problems.”
Housing is a key issue in the election and Liam believes the issue is one of the biggest challenges facing all those seeking election to the next Dail.
“The Social Democrats have come up with a number of what we believe are practical and realistic solutions, including the creation of a new agency called Housing Ireland and having a cabinet Minister for housing. However we also want to hear what you the public think about housing. We are all about ideas and listening to all those who have something to contribute.”
Fellow speakers include Mr Pat Greene from the Dublin Simon Community and respected academic Dr Lorcan Sirr a lecturer at Dublin Institute of Technology in Housing and Urban Economics. http://dit.ie/
Liam and the other speakers will be happy to take questions from the floor and speak with any interested persons on a one to one basis following the talk.
Contact Liam Coyne Media 0868119189
Liam Coyne
Social Democrats
Dublin South Central