Time For Full Inquiry Into Defence Force’s Use of Anti Malaria Drug Lariam.

Statement on behalf of Liam Coyne

For immediate release.

Feb 22nd 2016


The Social Democrat’s Liam Coyne has called for a formal inquiry into the use by members of the Irish Defence Forces of the anti malaria drug ‘Lariam.’

The use of ‘mefloquine’  better known under the brand name lariam has for some time been linked with long term mental health issues including depression, anxiety psychotic behaviour, hallucinations, and severe nightmares. It has also been linked to a number of suicides.

In the last decade or so lariam was used by the thousands of members of the Defence Forces who served as part of the United Nations Peacekeeping missions in the African countries including Liberia and Chad.

However many who served in those missions have developed psychiatric illness which they say came about due to their use of lariam. They say that their calls for a full and proper investigation into the effects of lariam are falling on deaf ears.

Liam who is running for the Social Democrats party in the Dublin South Central Constituency accepts that the majority of people, including members of the Defence Forces who took lariam did not suffer any ill effects.

The concern is the exact number of soldiers out of the thousands who used lariam who have suffered side effects is still not fully known.

The drug has been linked to 11 suicides of both members and former members of the Defence Forces.

Many others and their families have linked psychiatric illnesses as a result of taking lariam, which was seemed as a more practical way to combat malaria as you only need to take it once a week. Other alternatives are taken daily. .

“After speaking with people within the army I believe there should be a full investigation and or an inquiry into the use and past use of  lariam by the Defence Forces,” said Liam.

“Soldiers need to have confidence in what they are being prescribed. If there are questions about the medication, where there are alternatives, then it should be discontinued. If in doubt, leave it out” said Liam.

As far back as 2002 the manufacturers of Lariam, Roche issued warnings that people with mental health issues should not take the drug.  Roche argues the benefits outweigh the risks if given to the right people.

Experts say the difficulties this presents in practice is that many service personnel will either hide or not fully disclose a mental illness for fear of being stigmatised.

We already know that tens of thousands of euro have had to been spent on the treating Irish Defence Forces personnel who have suffered the ill effects of taking lariam.

“There is no doubt the use of lariam is a hot topic within the Defence Forces.”

“It is important to remember that it is not just Irish soldiers who say their health has been affected by the use of lariam.”

“Another point of concern to me is the fact that other countries militaries have discontinued using lariam, because there are better alternatives available.”

“If the likes of the Dutch, Norwegian, Danish, Canadian, US or indeed the French whose army never used lariam have discontinued or banned its use then why should Irish troops take it.”

There are several international studies conducted by medical experts and journalists which link the use of lariam with up to 27 different mental health conditions.

A full and proper inquiry done by lawyers, scientists, medical experts or by a Dail Committee would help answer many of the questions raised by those who say their lives have been affected.

In the UK a select committee in the House of Commons has been set up to inquiry into the British Ministry of Defences use of lariam. The Irish Department of Defence last November set up a working group to examine the use of anti malaria drugs, but that Liam feels may not go far enough to answer the questions that need answering.

The Social Democrats are dedicated to making substantial improvements in the areas of both mental health and having a more open and transparent society.

“The matter should not be kept out of the public eye, and deserves more than just a question and answer on the floor of the Dail. Our Peacekeepers and their families deserve better,” Liam said.

